
The /events resource provides complete control over events and allows retrieving, updating, adding, and deleting events.

Listing All Events


GET /events/

Example Response

// GET /events/

  "123456": {
    "id": 123456,
    "caption": "v1 Approved",
    "date": "2016-07-15T14:08:41",
    "origin": "User",
    "details": null,
    "products": [
  "123457": {
    "id": 123457,
    "caption": "v2 Approved",
    "date": "2016-09-15T14:07:28",
    "origin": "User",
    "details": "V2 approved on this day. Info: []"
    "products": [

Creating an Event


POST /events/


Argument Type Description
caption String The caption of the event
date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) date for the event
details String Notes & details about the event.
products List An array of product ids or an array containing the string ‘all’

Example Request

// POST /events/
   "caption":"Ad Campaign",
      "all" // or 23433, 34343 etc.

Example Response

// POST /events/

    "id": 28961,
    "caption": "Ad Campaign",
    "date": "2016-12-21T00:00:00",
    "origin": "API",
    "details": "Better on Paper",
    "products": [

Updating an Event


PUT /events/{event_id}


Argument Type Description
caption String The caption of the event
date Date (yyyy-mm-dd) date for the event
details String Notes & details about the event.
products List An array of product ids or an array containing the string ‘all’

Example Response

// PUT /events/5438

  "id": 543812,
  "account_id": 32109,
  "caption": "Changed Category",
  "date": "2017-04-12T00:00:00",
  "origin": "User",
  "products": [

Deleting an Event


DELETE /events/{event_id}


Argument Type Description
eventId String The ID of the event to delete

Example Response

// DELETE /events/5438
// HTTP 204